The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Education and Business Connections

Education and Business Connections

DEW serves as a resource to help create the workforce of the future by bridging gaps at the local level between those who educate students and those who rely on a talented workforce. Facilitating these connections and partnerships ensures a strong, skilled pipeline for our state's economy.

Regional Workforce Advisors (RWA)

Regional Workforce Advisors (RWAs) were originally established by the Education and Economic Development Act of 2005, which was comprehensive, reform-focused legislation that addresses workforce development through education reform. In 2023 with the passing of the Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act, the RWAs joined the DEW team.

Regional Workforce Advisors are designated to coordinate and facilitate the delivery or information, resources, and services to students, educators, employers, and the community. The primary responsibilities of the Regional Workforce Advisors are to:

  • provide services to students and adults for career planning, employment seeking, training, and other support functions;
  • provide information, resources, and professional development programs to educators;
  • provide information and resources to employers including, but not limited to, education partnerships, career-oriented learning, and training services;
  • facilitate local connections among businesses and those involved in education; and
  • work with school districts and institutions of higher education to create and coordinate workforce education programs.

Regional Workforce Advisors are a part of the Employment Services Division within DEW, and work in conjunction with the Office of Statewide Workforce Development and the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development. Each Regional Workforce Advisor also has an Advisory Board comprised of local leaders in their region.

There is one Regional Workforce Advisor located in each of the 12 Local Workforce Development Areas across the state.

Click here to connect with your local RWA.

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

Parents and children excited to explore future career paths, life skills, and step-by-step guidance can find everything they need to start the journey here!

Youth Employment Site (YES)

This user-friendly job board for people18-years-old and younger, connects them with employers ready to hire them! Check out the job board!

Employers can fill out a quick form describing available jobs so interested candidates can apply directly. Click here for “Hints and Tips for Employers.”  

SC WORKS Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) - Includes Youth Services

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) created a framework to connect jobseekers with training, education, and employment to develop a skilled workforce that allows business and industry to compete globally.

Individuals must be eligible to receive these services. WIOA Title I programs consist of funding streams for Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth. For eligibility information and more details click here.

Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) Learning - Ready to Work Certification Program

DEW collaborated with Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) Learning to introduce the career readiness curriculum, assessment, and credentialing solution for the state workforce system, SC WORKS WIOA partners, community-based organizations, and employers. Successful completion of the assessments results in the South Carolina Ready to Work, Essential Soft Skills, Digital Literacy and Professional Skills credentials. Credentials are state-sponsored and recognized by numerous employers.

WIN Learning also offers WIN Job Analysis services, linking the assessment standards and resulting credentials to employer hiring and training requirements.