Apply for and certify your claim here.
Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Dan Ellzey says all of the SC Works centers closed by Hurricane Dorian have now reopened to serve jobseekers and employers.
To find SC Works center and Connection Point locations, go to, click “SC Works Centers” and the click the county on the state map.
Any person seeking a job, or any employer wanting to hire staff to meet current or expansionary needs, can access the resources of SC Works Online Services on a 24/7 basis, Ellzey said, by going to
SC Works centers offers a variety of job seeking options, including:
About the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce
The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce is putting South Carolinians to work. The agency has four missions: (1) workforce development; (2) free job match employment services; (3) unemployment insurance; and (4) labor market information. All four missions contribute to workforce development. The agency is dedicated to advancing South Carolina through services and programs that meet the needs of our businesses, jobseekers and those looking to advance their careers.