The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

SC Initial Claims Week Ending March 21, 2020

Thu, 03/26/2020

South Carolina Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims Data

Week Ending March 21, 2020


Intrastate Initial Claims: (within the state) In the week ending March 21, 2020, the advance figures for South Carolina intrastate initial claims* was 31,054, an increase of approximately 1600% from the previous week’s count of 1,996. This means that there were 31,054 individuals who both live and work in the state of South Carolina who filed an initial claim during that week. This is the data you will see reflected in the county information below.

Interstate Initial Claims: In the week ending March 21, 2020, the advance figures for South Carolina interstate initial claims was 772, an increase of approximately 800% from the previous week’s count of 97. This means that there were 772 individuals who live in South Carolina, but filed for unemployment insurance against another state.

County Map (Intrastate)


State Logo 3-21-20


Important Information to Know About the Unemployment Insurance Process

  1. The unemployment insurance claims process is 100 percent online. You do not have to visit an SC Works center to file for benefits. There is no “in-person” process.
  2. Most of the questions our agency is receiving through our call center can be found on our website and our YouTube page SC DEW. Check the site in order to avoid the wait!
  3. There are many exceptions to the unemployment insurance process due to federal and state assistance. We are updating our daily to explain these. Check back often. You can also follow our social media.


About the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce

The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce is putting South Carolinians to work. The agency has four missions: (1) workforce development; (2) free job match employment services; (3) unemployment insurance; and (4) labor market information. All four missions contribute to workforce development. The agency is dedicated to advancing South Carolina through services and programs that meet the needs of our businesses, jobseekers and those looking to advance their careers.