The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

How We Help Individuals

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a nationwide program created to financially help eligible individuals (also referred to as claimants), who are unemployed through no fault of their own, are able and available to work and are actively search for employment.

The program allows UI recipients to maintain purchasing power, therefore, easing the serious effects of unemployment on individual households, the community and the state. In South Carolina, a UI claim can provide up to 20 weeks of benefits. The average weekly benefit amount is $236. The maximum weekly benefit is $350.

Employers finance the UI program through tax contributions to the South Carolina Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, and DEW is responsible for the collection, accounting and auditing functions of South Carolina's UI tax program. DEW administers the UI program according to guidelines established by the South Carolina Code of Laws, Title 41, and South Carolina Code of Regulations, Chapter 47.

Video Resources


     Apply For Benefits                  Manage Your Weekly Benefits                  Overpayments and Collections


     Apply For Benefits                  Manage Your Weekly Benefits                  


     Filing Hints and Tips               Overpayments and Collections