The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina



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LMI Insights

South Carolina Labor Force: A Look at Veterans and Non-veterans

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

South Carolina's 2023 Export Sales

By Shane Bell, Workforce Insights Analyst 

Analysis of South Carolina Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Data - December 2023

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Data Analysis: Quarter Three, 2023

By Leah Price, Workforce Insights Analyst

The Quarterly Census of Employment

Strong In-Migration to South Carolina in Recent Years 

By Leah Price, Workforce Insights Analyst

South Carolina has experienced strong population growth

Census Bureau Data Release: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates for 2022

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst


Gross Domestic Product by State: Quarter Three Data Release 

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

What is Gross Domestic Product?

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Business Survey: 2024 Outlook

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

Charleston Tops the Latest Metro Area Employment Statistics for Growth

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

Analysis of South Carolina Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Data 

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Data Analysis: Quarter Two, 2023

By Leah Price, Workforce Insights Analyst

Analysis of South Carolina Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Data 

By Taylor Hendrix, Workforce Insights Analyst