What will you discover when you Explore SC@Work?
South Carolina is enjoying a thriving job market, and employers across the state are hiring for a wide variety of occupations. With so many opportunities across various industries, individuals may not know about all the available job options, what future they can provide, or how to get started in them.
What kind of credentials do I need to be a beautician?
How much can I make being a mechanical engineer?
What exactly does a carpenter do, and what kind of skills do I need for that job?
Explore SC@Work invites South Carolinians to discover answers to these questions and more! Explore dozens of different jobs in our state, discover career pathways, find relevant labor market information, and a wealth of other information in the Explore SC@Work gallery, job flyers, and other materials.
Each featured occupation includes a snapshot of what the job entails, salary estimates, education requirements, and other important details so residents can be informed and confident when pursuing one of the many job opportunities the Palmetto State has to offer.
Make sure to visit this page and our social media channels weekly to see new job flyers and content added regularly!
Explore SC@Work Gallery
Visit the Explore SC@Work gallery and learn more about the wide range of jobs available right here in South Carolina! On the gallery page, click a job title and learn details about each position, such as typical job duties and skills, wage range, projected growth, and more.
Information released as part of the Explore SC@Work campaign is gathered from employers, jobseekers, associations, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, DEW’s Labor Market
Information Division, and other sources. All data is factual, but names, images, and quotations have been adapted to protect the identity of employees and businesses.
What Are Priority Occupations?
Priority occupations are identified based on current demand, projected growth, viability, and retention. These jobs are now available to countless jobseekers and are forecasted to become essential, thriving careers with untapped potential. Jobs featured in Explore SC@Work that are priority occupations include the ones hyperlinked below. Click a job title to learn more about each occupation, and keep visiting this page to see new Priority Occupations flyers!
Accountants | Insurance Sales Agents | Physical Therapists | |
Bakers | Mechanics | Plumbers | |
Bird Supervisors | Painters | Truck Drivers | |
Carpenters | Pharmacists | Wedding Planners | |
For a list of all priority occupations in South Carolina, visit the Coordinating Council for Workforce Development webpage here.
Explore SC@Work With Executive Director Floyd
Explore SC@Work with Executive Director William Floyd as he dives into the day-to-day tasks of the many occupations across South Carolina!
Through this video series, Executive Director Floyd learns and experiences the hands-on skills required of the many vital and thriving career fields in the state while speaking with employers to share how individuals can learn even more or take the first step toward a new future in South Carolina.
Click HERE to view our video library!
Explore SC@Work: Job Flyers
Each PDF flyer below is a convenient snapshot of data and information reported by employers for each occupation with a photo, name, and potential age to represent that job as well as a quote gathered from real employees' experiences.
Click a job title to Explore SC@Work and be on the lookout for new jobs that are added every week!
- Job Flyers
*Priority occupations
- Accountants*
- Aerospace Engineers
- Assembly Technician
- Bakers*
- Bank Tellers
- Beauticians
- Bird Supervisors*
- Boiler Mechanic
- Building Inspectors*
- Carpenters*
- Cashiers
- Chefs*
- Childcare Workers
- Civil Engineers*
- CNC Machinists*
- Computer Network Support Specialists*
- Computer Programmers
- Crane Operators*
- Customer Service Representatives
- Electricians*
- Electrical Crew Leaders*
- Elementary School Teachers*
- Emergency Medical Technicians
- Executive Assistants*
- Fiberglass Laminators and Fabricators
- Firefighters*
- Forklift Drivers*
- Graphic Designers*
- Grant Writers
- Guest Service Representatives
- Human Resources Managers
- HVAC Installers*
- Industrial Engineers*
- Industrial Machinery Mechanics*
- Installation and Repair Technicians*
- Insurance Sales Agents*
- Journeyman*
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)*
- Locksmiths
- Mail Carriers*
- Mechanical Engineers
- Mechanics*
- Medical Records Specialists*
- Metal Fabricators
- Painters*
- Paramedics
- Patent Lawyers*
- Pharmacists*
- Pharmaceutical Scientists
- Physical Therapists*
- Plumbers*
- Police Officers*
- Probation Officers
- Psychiatrists
- Quality Control Inspectors
- Respiratory Therapists
- Restaurant Manager*
- School Guidance Counselors
- Speech Language Pathologists
- Supply Chain Logisticians*
- Tax Preparer
- Tire Technicians
- Truck Drivers*
- Waiters and Waitresses
- Wedding Planners*
- Welders*
Information released as part of the Explore SC@Work campaign is gathered from employers, jobseekers, associations, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, DEW’s Labor Market Information Division, and other sources. All data is factual, but names, images, and quotations have been adapted to protect the identity of employees and businesses.
We Want To Hear From You! |
Have any questions? Want an occupation featured on the page? Reach out to explore@dew.sc.gov! Please note that while we are excited to feature an occupation along with the accompanying factual data, for privacy reasons, photos, names, ages, and quotes will be representations to protect the identity of employees and employers. |